Alright...I must admit it! Yes, I am going to ......and I ....... Oh yeah, I can't tell the whole world wide web yet. I have to keep some secrets.
So, my dog, Max, he's taught himself some interesting things lately. Last week in the midst of my ongoing headache-sinus issues-really elevated blood pressure b/c I took decongestant w/ ephedra sickness, I was sleeping a lot. One morning when I'd slept most of it away, he came up and laid next to me. He sat there for a minute or two and then stood up and sort of threw his 42 pounds of weight at me and laid down again, as if to say "Get your lazy butt up and take me out!" I'm starting to believe he's definitely more intelligent than your average tourist! :-P
The last couple months, I've stayed way out of the loop at work, trying to avoid hearing everyone else's woes. Today, I did get stuck on a boat with someone who is generally quite a nice person, but who is definitely climbing the ladder I am trying to throw myself off of. I suddenly realized he's another one of those people who want to accumulate dirt on everyone else so as to help himself up another rung. As a seasonal guy said yesterday, why oh why would young people want to sacrifice their future to stay at this company?!? to throw things in the dryer before bed.
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