
Bonjour, you suck

I'm sorry, really sorry, but I REALLY DO NOT LIKE THE FRENCH! That's all. Bad enough at the Tower of London where the school groups were, but in their own country, they are even worse. There are lots of words I would like to use, but I won't. gggrrrr

On a better note, last night was incredible. I went to a play in the West End--"Life in the Theater". I.saw.and.have.photos.of.Pacey! Yes, Josh Jackson and Patrick Stewart are in this play in London, in it's last week or so. I have photos of Pacey, too. woowoo. Beforehand, I went to see where it was located and after that, I stumbled upon the London premiere of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Don't know any of the actors, but it was cool. Battery is really low, so I'll charge up when I am back on American soil. I think I'll kiss the ground after the day today's been. Even worse than losing the baggage coming over. They really are nasty people!


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