the latest round
Last night, I was talking to my brother about starting to put some plans together for a big birthday party for my dad in July. His health has improved a little since earlier this year, but he's still not well. Talk of inviting people from all over--huge blowout! Now it's all on hold. Today, I got up early to go to some of those rummage sales in my old hometown of Catlin, IL. I am not really into that, so after a couple, I went home and back to sleep. Got up, brushed my hair and returned to Catlin for the Strawberry Festival (my favorite fruit!) It turned out niece #3 had a softball game there and my brother and his family were there. As we stood there watching, brother got a voice mail, checked it and turned to me while listening and relayed the info.
My dad had fallen (third time since May 20th) but this time they had taken him by ambulance to the hospital b/c they thought he'd broken his hip.
So, yes, it's broken, and he's in the hospital on hold until he's well enough for surgery.
My maternal grandma did the same in early August 2001 and she wasn't home for at least a month--and she was in better condition that my dad at the time!
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