What a runaround
Alright, so I walk in a couple weeks ago to a dentist office who is listed on my dental insurance list. They tell me that they are not taking new appointments for the insurance I have, but maybe if I wait, the woman in the corner who is having a personal conversation with someone else dressed as though they work there will be able to help me. I left. I've chatted with people from the insurance company a couple other times, and reluctantly not changed over to this dentist office. Today, being the 23rd of the month and tomorrow, the 24th (funny how that works) is the cut off for being able to change and get in by the 1st of the new month....where was I?....so, I called the insurance office today and changed to them and asked (just to make sure) if there was a problem--what if they are not taking new patients with this insurance plan?--and she told me point blank that she wouldn't be able to enter me into the system with that change if they indeed were not taking new patients. OK...so now I am holding my breath on hold waiting to hear whether or not they will take the appointment.
And now I calling back because I was disconnected while on hold....
NO RESOLUTION--I end up with an appointment at the dentist I've been seeing. Can't get in to one of the many other dentists in that office...it's their policy that once you start with one, you can't change. The appointment is in mid-April....
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