off to another fair
Tomorrow I am taking all three nieces to the Illinois State Fair in Springfield. This should be interesting, as one is 16, and the other two are 11 and 10. Not a problem, they are all good kids on their own, but I am anticipating in-fighting, as most sisters are prone to do. It was originally intended to be a road trip for me and the 16 year old to go to the new Lincoln museum at the Presidential Library and then the fair and maybe go to the Rascal Flatts concert, but the way my brother seemed to phrase it, it seemed if I didn't take all three, then the oldest one wouldn't be going either. I'm thinking back a few years--should have pointed out how he would not have enjoyed me tagging along on a similar trip when he was 16. Oh well. I've already warned that any complaining will get them dropped at the side of the road. Wish me luck!
This whole weekend is going to be one huge whirlwind. Friday is packed, Saturday is auctions and flea market day, and then either Saturday or Sunday I am going back to Springfield to see a friend who now lives in Houston and I haven't seen since she was single (she now is married and has two kids!) More activity in 60 hours than in the last 6 weeks!
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