Superbowl Sunday for me! 2005 OSCARS

favorite Oscar gown--Kate Winslet . Couldn't find a photo for the men, but *sigh* Clive Owen was very dashing! So, I thought about posting my predictions, but that would mean I'd have to commit to just one.
My thoughts: Sorry, but the Oscars are about glamour. While I think anyone can be glamourous, given the opportunity, not everyone wants to participate in cheap, unclassy humor doled out by Chris Rock. Not that the event needs to be stuffy, but it felt like they were trying to hard to pull in the fringe viewers, that they alienated the rest of us. Never thought I'd say this...YAY Sean Penn! for advising Rock that Jude Law is indeed a fine actor.
I really wanted "The Aviator" to win more of the BIG awards. I loved that film. It was such an indulgence of a part of the Golden Years in Hollywood. As with everything these days, the film industry is sadly becoming more about business than art, and this totally took me back to when it was royalty. Woohoo! to Cate Blanchett for her best supporting actress win!
I had a feeling after I saw Million Dollar Baby that it would grab up a lot of the awards. I didn't even originally intend on seeing it the day I did. I bought a ticket to something else and curiosity was killing me to know what the surprise was, so I ducked into that theater. (ssshhh...don't tell!) I actually thought it was something simple like Eastwood's character turns out to be her father, but NO, even more controversial. I don't agree with assisted suicide, but I still liked the movie. A movie doesn't have to be advocating a certain opinion just because they portray something. I look at movies and say "Slice of life" -- I may not agree with someone else's opinion, but that's not going to keep them from having it.
Glad 'Sideways' got some recognition. I just saw that a couple weeks ago. It's also a California movie. Very fun to see California places. Need a trip there very soon!
I haven't seen 'Ray' but I may have to. Love Ray Charles' music. From the clips, it looks like he nailed Ray Charles like Blanchett nailed Hepburn. While the black community celebrates Jamie Foxx winning as a black man, I salute him for doing such a perfect job as an actor.
One last YAY! -- While I love Shrek for just being plain funny, YAY! Incredibles. I went to see it with a friend, sort of hesitantly, as I am at things Disney (I'll explain later), but he kept telling me how good it was, so I had to go. AND IT WAS! Best character was definitely Edna!
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