
it's done

Last night, err...this morning, at 2 am, I pulled the last of the stuff out of my dad's house. I don't recommend dying--not until you've cleaned out your own home. Kidding...only kidding. I get to say that because I've participated in cleaning out 3 family members' homes in the last year. I'm entitled.

In other news, I am reading the blog Dooce way too much. The other night, I had a dream that I was Leta's babysitter and I was desparately hoping to measure up to being a cool babysitter! oye!

My dog has been replaced with another. Same markings, different personality. He seems to have mellowed--finally! Only took 11 months, but the removal of his *ahem* kicked in. He's been hanging out with various people and been pretty friendly--for him.

I am soon to be a member of the Daughter's of the American Revolution. Seems they are losing membership around here (due to old age). I've been called a couple times to join recently. I will replace my grandmother's membership to keep them even on that score. And...soon, I'll be the owner of a sign from the Illinois Department of Agriculture. Why? Because there's been farmland in our family since October 1881, and I can apply for a centennial farm sign right now. Next fall, I can re-apply and get the sesquicentennial sign. woohoo! There are some perks to having family who's never left the area the ancestors staked out as pioneers!


ok...so I'll say more

Last night, I was finished putting together the latest rummage sale, and went to get the shelves to a bookcase that I left at the other house. It was around 2 am. I realized that I didn't check the newspaper ad yesterday, and came to the box at the Commercial News building. It's also where I can get online with wi-fi. 2 a.m....small town....someone else was out somewhere, because they called the police, thinking I looked suspicious....


late at night and there are two police checking me out

need I say more in a small town if you are out past midnight?