
the weekend

where's this week gone?

So, Sunday, I was in Chicago with my sister and her boyfriend's 17 yr old daughter. We all went to see "Wicked" at the Oriental Theatre. Good show! Anna Gastyer from Saturday Night Live is the lead. Good good show! The second act is better than the first, though.

Monday afternoon, I went to an auction with my mom in Arcola, IL. It turned out it was the auction of stuff belonging to Mrs. Yoder, former owner of Rockome Gardens. It's still staying open, but Mrs. Yoder sold it to some business men. I've heard a little more than the average person about what's going to happen because I know someone who knows someone who is one of the investors. While I was at the auction, my brother called, twisting my arm to go with him to pick up one of their cars. Only...the car was in Indianapolis, and we left his house at 8:30pm. Nice ride to the NE side of the city. I said after going to Chicago Sunday, and Indy on Monday, I was due to go to St Louis on Tuesday. That didn't happen--have you seen the price of gas lately?!?

Speaking of which...let me just say...in Danville IL today, August 31, 2005, the price of one gallon of gas went up to $3.19. I polled some other friends around the country a little earlier. $2.81 on Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. It's still around $2.50 in Mississippi where the hurricane hit. WTF? Our local state assemblyman keeps making the news about how he's going to look into whether or not there's some sort of gouging going on. Stop talking about it and do it! Also, the governor keeps saying that he's looking into what can be done. Again, STOP TALKING ABOUT IT and DO SOMETHING!! Last year, Jeb temporarily suspended the gas tax in FL, so why is Illinois different? Why can't it be done? The bike is coming out as of tomorrow for transportation.


never believe the 'absolute' guarantee

My new ATM/debit card arrived in the mail today. It arrived today, August 25th. The guy at Bank of America told me the absolute latest it would arrive after cancelling the one I left in the ATM machine at Market Place Mall in Champaign would be Aug. 22. *grrrrrr* You try going a week and a half without access to money. I suddenly remember yesterday that there are those archaic things called checks that I could use! I am SUCH a computer geek! Online banking and plastic are the way of the future, are they not?

In other news, I've started riding around on my bike. I wouldn't say I am a "biker" but since I really hate walking, it's my choice for regular exercise. You can go SO much farther and see so much more. And, oh...there's also the issue of outwitting the oil companies! :-P


So, the one poison ivy blotch became several bumps on my right forearm, too, but didn't last more than a couple days! woohoo.

That's it for today. :-P


Yeah, right

Two things I don't like today. Jumping to conclusions and poison ivy.

Never really thought about poison ivy. I've never had it, and don't really know what it looks like. I went out to spray some by the back of the house yesterday only knowing that's what it was because my sister told me that's what it was), and now I have a bump. I am not touching it, not giving it a chance to spread. Washed my hands with bleach a couple times to dry it out. OUT ye bump!

Second of all, jumping to conclusions. IN.ANY.SHAPE.OR.FORM.

I got an email from a man who'd bought something from me on ebay. I emailed 3 people, or thought I did. 3 items have been misplaced, and the more I sort through everything, the more I am convinced the 3 items walked off, because one is a rather large hardback book with a red cover that just sort of jumps out at you, no matter where it's sitting. I returned money to everyone, I emailed and explained and said I'd also gladly send the items, if found, at no cost--FREE! Because that's how bad I feel. Well, the guy in Chicago who bought the book didn't get an email. An oversight on my part, but rather than contact me and say "What the heck?!" or whatever other word he might want to use--I can take it....remember 'sticks and stones...but words will never hurt me'? So, nooooo....instead he leaves the negative feedback and writes me telling me how SLEEZY [sic] I am because I didn't want to sell at the price and I am going to relist it...and he's going to be watching me. So I tell him to go ahead and watch...he can watch the rest of his life, that it's missing and if it turns up, it will be in his mailbox. (paraphrasing)

Another conclusion that was jumped to is still with me from last year. I really don't care, as it came from a person I will probably never see again, but maybe someone reading here will realize they've done the same thing, and I'll have helped someone else who didn't speak up...rambling...anyway...

Had dinner with some friends last year when I was doing some of my travelling. A spouse of someone I know sat there, as we talked about several things, and suddenly went on this tirade about how they could never think of doing anything less than professional in life. (the conversation was referring to someone else, life me, who has a bit of wanderlust.) Seems this person, after getting a degree, decided to do someething totally unconventional. Like I said, a person after my own heart! Just the attitude being anything less than 'professional' was unacceptable to anyone with a degree. I made a promise to myself in high school, that no matter what, I was not going to fall into any rut, though I did at Disney, after watching all of the state employees in Springfield live out miserable lives. I would do what I wanted to do, even if it meant not being as well off as I may have been otherwise. Shame on this person for assuming everyone must live their way!


the adage is true

Now I remember why I like having nieces, not daughters. We had a great time in Springfield, or at least I did. The new Lincoln Museum is incredible! We went to the State Fair. That seems to be more run down than I remember. After walking around there for a little while and eating fair food and letting the girls ride a couple rides, we left, and ended up out at the Muni in Springfield, which (I am assuming is very similar to the one in St. Louis that I haven't been to) is an outdoor theater at the lake.

I used to work backstage there in high school and at other various times I moved back to Springfield. We saw Beauty and the Beast. I found myself reading the program during big chunks of the show. I think it had more to do with I just never had any interest in seeing that particular musical. It was wonderful in the animated format and, imho, you can't improve upon in in live format. This is why I don't really want to see The Lion King, either. I even chose not to see Mary Poppins or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in London for this reason. But, those two, I might eventually give in on. So anyway....my other issue with this particular Muni production, is that the whole thing seemed so stark. There were shows there that were sooooo elaborate. This is community theater, but they did Singin' in the Rain once about 15 years ago and had the whole rig that made it rain onstage! They also got the guy from Showboat who has the Voice to come and do the part where he sings Old Man River. The last show I worked there was Wizard of Oz, and it was incredibly intricate. This show just had a couple extra sets other than the back wall. Hmmm... Good part, was I did actually still know one person. I saw my buddy, Derry, who was in the crazy version of A Christmas Carol that was my very first show I was in when I was a freshman in high school. I feel so old!

Back to the girls. It's funny, seeing how different three people can be. My oldest niece is very much an oldest child, in that she really prefers adult company to people her own age or younger, and especially her sisters much of the time. She and I both like the Presidents. This is what prompted taking the trip to Springfield. The next one, her other grandma once made the comment to me that she'll never do anything above and beyond what she wants to do. I can see a little of this. Unless it has to do with one of the many fantasy series (Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc,) she's not interested. She is also is one of the most negative children I've ever encountered, but she's also one of the most emotional people, too. I love her, but sometimes I have to bite my tongue when she gets in that mood. The youngest one is more like the oldest, but is more the artist. We're working on developing her talent! All are sooo different even though they've grown up side by side.


off to another fair

Tomorrow I am taking all three nieces to the Illinois State Fair in Springfield. This should be interesting, as one is 16, and the other two are 11 and 10. Not a problem, they are all good kids on their own, but I am anticipating in-fighting, as most sisters are prone to do. It was originally intended to be a road trip for me and the 16 year old to go to the new Lincoln museum at the Presidential Library and then the fair and maybe go to the Rascal Flatts concert, but the way my brother seemed to phrase it, it seemed if I didn't take all three, then the oldest one wouldn't be going either. I'm thinking back a few years--should have pointed out how he would not have enjoyed me tagging along on a similar trip when he was 16. Oh well. I've already warned that any complaining will get them dropped at the side of the road. Wish me luck!

This whole weekend is going to be one huge whirlwind. Friday is packed, Saturday is auctions and flea market day, and then either Saturday or Sunday I am going back to Springfield to see a friend who now lives in Houston and I haven't seen since she was single (she now is married and has two kids!) More activity in 60 hours than in the last 6 weeks!



Ok, so I entered Snowy Stream, which has always evoked lots of comments, Flowers at Kensington, and one that wasn't online...one with several pelicans who were begging for hadouts at at marina in Florida. None even placed. I went to peek at the results on Sunday, and then my sister and I went to examine everything tonight. She claims it's small town politics. Oh well. Tonight was productive though. I did get hooked up with the county Republicans. --and I can hear all of my West Coast friends groaning all the way across the country. :-P



Alrighty! I've found a photography contest to enter--local around here. It's Saturday. I have the frames and mats....my problem is trying to decide which photos to submit. So, if you're reading this, PLEASE HELP! I've posted some of the options at this site . Please go look and then email me at traveller0112 at yahoo(dot)com with your opinion! Thanks millions!


Wow...World famous singer performing at the mall tonight!

Hey...maybe Danville isn't so po-dunk afterall. I decided I'd go see just how dead the mall here is, and I walk right past American Idol singer from last season, Jared Yates. Ok...so he was voted off first, but he was in the top 12. Why didn't I have camera, Sharpie marker and paper in hand?? Oh...maybe it's not that Danville isn't po-dunk, maybe it's that he still is. SOmeone needs to get him an agent, or fire his current one. That mall probably had a total of 50 people in it TOTAL.